Now the King steps in and says a rule is a rule and the loser must be sacraficed. Since the loser is his son, he declares Alley & Oola must be sacraficed as well. Alley grabs Oola & tells Yochi to come with them back to Moo. He tells Yochi he knows of another Oola who used to be Lola but is now Oola and is a princess who would be a fitting mate to a Mayan prince.
I think the Bender’s don’t have a clue or any idea what happens next. They probably read the comments section & make something up that seems to fit the majority of the ideas. In any case, this will drag out at for least another week.
#1- Yochi ignores the deal, has Oop siezed and declares he will marry Oola anyway.He then declares Oop will be sacraficed so the gods will bless the marriage. This could be dragged out for several weeks until Yochi’s father (who just happens to be out of town) returns just in the nick of time to put a stop to things. Then it would change over to #3
- Everything proceeds as advertised, Alley and Oola return to Moo & a new adventure begins.(BORING)- Yochi is slated to be sacraficed as the loser and Alley & Oola must figure our how to rescue him!
I will be pleasantly surprised if there is any more new activity until Friday when the Benders setup for the weekend panels. Then they will make that last until Tuesday of the following week. This could be a once a week 3 panel cartoon and it would cover more than it does now in a week. However, I would miss the daily comments. I keep reading because I hope it someday returns to the way it was 20 years ago.
How about having Oop travel back to Moo & bring the Dino’s & Moovian army back to rescue Oola. Then we can see how the Mayan’s became extinct. Oop could do this because the Oop back in Moo could send the time travel remote to the Oop playing the ball game.
60+ years on a farm. Goats don’t growl!