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  1. over 15 years ago on La Cucaracha

    If we didn’t want illegal aliens (Martians?), there would be no jobs for them and they wouldn’t come here. Stop the demand first. Pay a fair wage to farmworkers, non-union construction workers, etc. Then prices will rise. Of course, we could always just import those things from China. There is quite a paradox here and it will take thought, not slogans to work it out.

    Signed, Hopelesslly hopeful barracho

  2. over 15 years ago on La Cucaracha

    Amazing that the memory-challenged right wing still talks about Reagan freeing the hostages.

    Today, it’s well known that Reagan negotiated with Iran before the election. That’s called Iran Contra.

    Legally, it’s called treason. Reagan prolonged the hostage situation - he didn’t end it. He also destroyed the economy for folks on the lower end of the middle class, but I digress.

    It’s called truthiness.