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  1. 8 months ago on The Norm Classics

    Looks like Reine deftly acquired the obnoxious director’s pearl necklace. Well played!

  2. 11 months ago on Non Sequitur

    ‘Whole thing is an epic fraud’: RFK Jr. official admits goal is to elect Trump Speaking at a meeting last Thursday, Rita Palma first checked to make sure there were “no Biden voters in the house” before telling her audience that her “No. 1 priority” is to ultimately take electoral votes away from President Joe Biden.

    See Alternet dot org /rfk-jr-fraud/

    Real honest candidate you got there. Now could you take your Russian agitprop somewhere else?

  3. over 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    If it’s the loose Cannon, the fix is in.

  4. over 2 years ago on Monty

    This seems like a repeat (or close echo) of a strip from no so long ago.

  5. over 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Mr. Snoots.

    Although ‘mansplain’ is definitely gendered, I don’t agree it is sexist. When I think of the word ‘sexist’, I think of a person. When I think of the word ‘mansplain’, I think of a behavior. The word is gendered because by definition it is behavior we men do to women. When done to another man, existing words like ‘boorish’ usually suffice. IMO ‘mansplain’ adds the extra implication that a partial motivation is the man’s need to show off or feel superior to the woman.

    So yes, the very definition of ‘mansplain’ is gendered. But gendered speech is not inherently sexist. You probably think it is unfair there is such a word without an oppostite-gendered counterpart, but as others have noted, the behavior is nowhere near as prevalent in women, so a word for it would just sound like revenge, and it would probably be extremely awkward as well, as seen by the examples in previous posts.

    But console yourself that, though ‘mansplain’ is derogatory, it is not vicious or nasty, unlike most words used to describe women’s behavior (see above posts for many examples).

    That said, I agree it has been over-used and misapplied at times, like all excellent and useful neologisms. People will be people.

    I’m a 65 yo white man. I accept the existence of derogatory value-added words like ‘boomer’ and ‘mansplain’ because they communicate something meaningful besides insult. Rejecting perfectly good words, correctly applied, will only make you seem temperamental.

  6. over 2 years ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    If you have enough time to learn how crypto and NFTs work, why not put it to good use and learn quantum mechanics instead? QM never lost anyone their life savings. Advantage QM.

  7. over 2 years ago on The Norm Classics

    My little brother was just like Renee – at Angel games in the 70’s if we were still in our original seats by the end of the game it was unusual – meaning we had gotten unusually good seats to begin with. Usually we’d go down to field level after the early leavers “beat the crowd”, but the ushers usually made sure we didn’t stay there.

  8. over 2 years ago on Non Sequitur
    I’m surprised no one here has yet mentioned that the term she was looking for is diffusion, not osmosis which refers to the more specific case of diffusion of water. But then, thanks to the pedant giants of the past, at least everyone knows the word osmosis, which is a start. And of course, since everyone knows what she meant, everyone but linguistic purists are happy.
  9. almost 3 years ago on The Norm Classics

    That’s no good either – if he pushes the cart they’ll think they’re married.

  10. almost 3 years ago on Monty

    I love it when the comics teaches a new word. I have seen clitella on worms before, but always thought it was a bump caused by injury.