what has become of the good ole’ usa when a uberj-wealthy white man can’t say what he honestly wants and feels without all the little people having some power to stop him.
money = free speech. and he certainly has the money. is nothing sacred? (channeling neoconman)
“ALL religions have their extremists, whose only goal in life is to either kill or convert everybody else to their particular sect. Sad, truly, truly sad!!”I usually agree with your thoughtful posts. this one, no.Jews do not try to convert anyone, nor is their goal to kill anyone. one can only be a jew if the mother is a jew. it is a genetic thing. Jews pre-occupation (no pun intended) is to prevent being exterminated, as in every generation since the pharohs, there were concerted efforts to exterminate the jews.
trump supporters in charlotte beat several people almost to death, and murdered a bystander last year.
one is fear-mongering, the other a fact.