
Kira_no_futago Free

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  1. over 14 years ago on Tiny Sepuku

    Belle was always my favorite of the Disney. Then again, I was always a bookworm, so she was also really the only one with which I identified. However, outside of the Disney versions, I liked the little mermaid the best (as the beauty of the tales was a little… dim, in my opinion, even if kind).

    In other news, I must be more addicted to Firefly than I thought. Seeing “Shiny!” made my whole night. :D

  2. over 14 years ago on The Other Coast

    And it’s another $5 to make sure the cord is secure. Y’know, unless you feel like finding out the hard way. Well, the wet way, in this case.

  3. over 14 years ago on The Other Coast

    Ah, but do we know how old/moldy said leftovers are, that he has to eat them?

  4. over 14 years ago on Tiny Sepuku

    Lupin > Jacob. End of story.

    ahem That aside, there is no fetish that cannot be easily described as “it’s just _.” I have a few odd loves of my own, so…

  5. almost 15 years ago on The Other Coast

    Maybe they intend to scuplt it to look like him so people can go to see him melt. Reaaaaaal slow-like.

  6. almost 15 years ago on The Other Coast

    King’s novels never scared me much. Or impressed me much. Mostly I laugh. Glad to know I’m not totally alone in being unimpressed, though.

  7. almost 15 years ago on The Other Coast

    Hey, technically they aren’t breathing that water! So it’s all good, right?

  8. about 15 years ago on PreTeena

    The only happiness you’ll be buying is hers.

  9. about 15 years ago on The Other Coast

    Depends on the granola bar. I’ve found a few–a VERY few–that are actually really tasty.

    In any case, I stand by my theory that the person who leaves fresh coffee in a pot over a mug warmer will be best loved by Santa.

  10. over 15 years ago on Eek!

    Oh, they’ll be fine. They’re just playing ‘make daddy look like a viking ship’… Yeah. That’s totally what they’re doing.
