Dd Wiz's Profile
DD Wiz Free
Native, lifelong Southern Californian. Solar powered house (since 2007) and two electric cars. Avid bird watcher (bird nerd).
Native, lifelong Southern Californian. Solar powered house (since 2007) and two electric cars. Avid bird watcher (bird nerd).
— As for JD Vance’s thing about names…
His birth name is James Donald Bowman
He soon changed his middle name and became James David Bowman
He then changed his name to James David “Jimmy” Hamel, which was the name under which he graduated high school, served in the Marines and began his studies at Yale.
He changed name to: JD Vance in 2013 in honor of his grandmother’s last name and initials by which he had come to be best known.
And his legal name now is “JD” — not initials, not standing for “James David,” but just the two letters “JD.”
I don’t begrudge him the right to change his name as often as he wants, or dress in drag as he did during his college years, except that now he insists on wagging his moralistic finger in everyone else’s fingers and dictating gender identity including that they should not change their name from their birth name to reflect their true, authentic self.
I don’t care about his private preferences or proclivities. But he should have his nose rubbed hard into the rank HYPOCRISY.
And remember when Republicans DEMANDED that Barack Obama (which was his actual birth name) and the name he used most of his life, and instead go by the name “Barry Soetoro,” a variation of his birth name used by his white grandparents and a last name (never legally changed) he had only used for a few years during his childhood while his mother was briefly married to Lolo Soetoro?
Or remember how they refuse to honor the chosen and legally-changed names or pronouns preferred by trans people?
It’s the hypocrisy.