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DD Wiz Premium

Native, lifelong Southern Californian. Solar powered house (since 2007) and two electric cars.  Avid bird watcher (bird nerd).  

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9 Chickweed Lane

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The Born Loser

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The Meaning of Lila

The Meaning of Lila

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Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

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Recent Comments

  1. 3 minutes ago on Mike Luckovich

    — The irony is that these religious fanatic nut jobs talk, talk, talk about their faith and beliefs and morals and commandments, but they are only for others, not for themselves and certainly not for their perverted cult leader.

    When Bill Clinton was a naughty boy and had oral sex with a consenting adult, it was all about how any man who would cheat on his wife (even though, in honor of the “sanctity of marriage,” they worked through their problems and stayed married) cannot be trusted with the presidency. (By the way, after the Monica Lewinsky affair became public, no Democrat ever voted for Bill Clinton for any office ever again.)

    But when the dear cult leader cheats on THREE wives, becomes a CONVICTED FELON thirty-four times (with 54 more cases still pending) is found liable for SEXUAL ASSAULT (with more than 20 more cases still pending), found liable for business fraud, found liable for running a fake “charity,” found liable for running a fake “university” — then, all of a sudden, it’s all “we’re all sinners.”

    “Hate the sin, elect the sinner.”

    The TROLL talks about what all “Christians” know, but this uneducated high school dropout does not have a clue about any teaching attributed to the one they claim to follow.

  2. 41 minutes ago on Mike Luckovich

    As of this posting, the @Fern troll has posted sixteen “replies.”

    • NOT A SINGLE ONE of them is actually a response to either the cartoon or my initial comment, so it is a stretch to actually call them “replies.”

    • NOT A SINGLE ONE of them, as of this posting, has received a single “like.”

    The TROLL is not a serious commenter. He is a bomb thrower. He can’t actually engage on substance, so he tries to blow up the thread, hijack the topic and send it off on wild tangents and down irrelevant rabbit holes into the bizarre delusions of alternate “realities” including repeating baseless conspiracy theories from extreme right-wing hate media that he actually believes.

    The lack of having anything to say that is relevant, rational, intelligent or supported by facts is not going to stop the @Fern troll from saying it.

    And then repeating it. Over and over.

    Donald Trump says, “I love the uneducated.”

    The @Fern troll — the self-described thirty-something unemployed high school dropout still living at home with Mommy; the epitome of the mindless automaton, obedient, unquestioning TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshipper who admits he wants the United States to become an AUTHORITARIAN “godly” theocracy blindly worshipping his cult leader — shows us exactly WHY Trump loves gullible suckers like himself, over and over.

    Seeing a “reply” from the @Fern troll is like Déjà Poo — the feeling that I’ve heard this crap before.

  3. about 21 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    — Yes, Mandela began as a violent revolutionary and all it got him was a chance to rot in prisons for 27 years, most of which was done at Robben Island. There, he read the works of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr on achieving outcomes through NON-violence instead of violence.

    If Gandhi had tried to wage an armed rebellion against the United Kingdom, the greatest power on earth at that time, he would have been quickly crushed. Through entirely non-violent means, he defeated the world’s greatest power and toppled British rule in what is now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

    If King had tried to wage armed rebellion against the existing power of apartheid in the Southern States, he would have gone nowhere, like others before or after. Through purely NON-violent means, King toppled the established order and, without holding any public office, got Civil Rights and Voting Rights enacted.

    The idea that serial fraudster, sexual assaulter and anti-democracy authoritarian Donald Trump is somehow the moral equivalent of Mandela (after his moral awakening) demonstrates just how uneducated the self-described high school dropout who still lives with Mommy is.

    Donald Trump says, “I love the uneducated.”

    The @Fern troll shows us exactly why, over and and over.

  4. about 21 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    I see that the lack of having anything to say that is relevant, rational, intelligent or supported by facts is not going to stop the @Fern troll from saying it. And then repeating it.

    And while his digression into AOC — a gratuitous attempt to denigrate that blows up in his keyboard — is a completely irrelevant attempt at going off on another unrelated tangent down his unending sequence of rabbit holes, I can’t resist rubbing his nose in it…

    By the way, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was In high school, she came in second in the microbiology category of the national Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in 2007 with a research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In a show of appreciation for her efforts, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez.

    She graduated cüm laude with two degrees (international relations and economics). She completed college despite the death of her father and a lengthy probate settlement while she was attending. She is the first of her family to get a college degree.

    She is fully fluent (native level) in two languages; she spent four months volunteering in the Sahel of West Africa.

    Unlike the admittedly uneducated @Fern troll, she actually knows her stuff.

    For a self-described thirty-something high-school dropout still living with Mommy to ridicule her enormous intellect and achievements while demonstrating exactly the extent to which his lack of education exposes himself to ridicule is self-evident every time the pathetic loser goes to his keyboard.

    @Fern continues to exemplify the perfect model of the mindless automaton obedient little TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshipper.

  5. about 22 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    I see that the lack of having anything to say that is relevant, rational, intelligent or supported by facts is not going to stop the @Fern troll from saying it.

  6. about 23 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    If @Fern can’t tell the difference between Nelson Mandela and Donald Trump, his mental decline has deteriorated far more rapidly than we realized.

    Nelson Mandela was convicted for fighting for equal rights and equal justice against race-based oppression in standing up to tyranny.

    Donald Trump was convicted for massive fraud and falsification of business records in order to cover up illegal in-kind political contributions and information that could have been useful to voters, as well as being held liable for sexual assault, business fraud, running a fraudulent “charity” and running a fraudulent “university.” He has been CONVICTED of 34 FELONIES against free elections for a free state — none of which included fighting for human rights or social justice — with 54 more that are still pending and far more serious, including orchestrating a violent plot to overthrow an election, orchestrating a plot to forge fake election documents in various states, stealing classified documents and showing them to unauthorized persons, and other serious crimes.

    A crime of social justice against a tyrannical government is not the same as massive falsification of records to cover up crimes designed to suppress voter information, but it is no surprise that @Fern can’t tell the difference between South Africa under Apartheid and the United States under a democracy that represents freedom and voting rights for all.

    Donald Trump: You’re no Nelson Mandela.

  7. about 23 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Appreciation to @Fern for reminding us of the consequences of the long-standing Republican war on public education — budget cuts, teacher salaries not keeping up with inflation, using vouchers to divert funds from public to private education, rewriting history to cover up racial atrocities, banning books, replacing science with evolution and, yes, replacing reality with religious superstition, as per the actual subject of the thread, requiring the posting of religious texts in public school classrooms.

    Back when we had fully-funded, tuition-free public education (K-state colleges and universities), well-paid, tenured teachers and higher levels of investment in public education (paid for by higher taxes on ginormous corporations and the few richest elites instead of forcing non-wealthy families into lifetimes of student debt), yes, the people of my generation (I grew up in California BEFORE Governor Reagan took his budget axe to public education and started charging tuition at state colleges/universities) got a lot better educations (for less cost to the students) than the more poorly-educated generation that @Fern grew up in.

    Appreciation to @Fern for this important reminder, and for demonstrating such a clear example of it.

  8. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    — Yes, the classic face clock with Roman numerals is a work of art. The young people of today, of course, can not read either Roman numerals or even tell time on a classic face clock, even with Indo-Arabic numerals (or especially with other symbols in lieu), and do not even understand what used to be classic clock-based metaphors like, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” They would just ask, “How can a blank screen be right twice a day?”

  9. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    — Yep.

    “Put the commandments in classrooms and actively try to reelect a man who stands for breaking them all.”

    In the TrumpubliKKKlan cult, the policy is “hate the sin, elect the sinner.”

    “Doesn’t make a lick of sense…”

    Nothing in the strange, reality-disconnected TrumpubliKKKlan cult makes “a lick of sense.”

    “it’s the Gospel According to Trump.”

    Straight outta the new Bible Trump is selling — the Trump Standard Version (also known as the “Book of Moron”), in which all those nasty old King James translation errors have been “fixed.” Adultery is now a sacrament, paying hush money to a porn star now counts as “tithes and offerings” and all references to “God” or “Lord” or “Messiah” have been replaced by “Trump.”

  10. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    — Yes, the wording of the law does like it is from the King James, the Protestant version. Actually, as @old1953 notes, there are three different versions: the Hebrew text version, the Catholic version and the Protestant version.

    While they mostly overlap, there are some differences in both content and numbering sequence. In the Hebrew and Protestant versions, for example, the second commandment prohibits making graven images. That one is eliminated in the Catholic version (if you ever look inside a Catholic church, with all the icons of Mary, apostles and even a dead guy hanging on a cross, you can see why), and instead the one forbidding to covet is listed twice, once about coveting another person’s wife, and another for coveting their property.

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to…” force one faith’s religious views on everyone else.