I guess Agent X could build a wall in space or something.Or just make living on the station so inhospitable for the crew that zombies wouldn’t want to be there.
I grew up in a number of places in Southern Queensland, where in winter at night the temperatures would dip below zero occasionally.Traditional Queensland houses have zero insulation anywhere, and no heating at all, though the kitchen might have a wood stove (my grandparents did and one aunt), but we never did.We did of course have panel radiators, but they were pretty ineffectual. If you were still cold, you just wore more clothes.
I would hope that he would, along with other things, like the absence of a narcissistic / psychopathic personality.But that would also require voters to choose someone with empathy, which they’ve chosen to not do.
I guess Agent X could build a wall in space or something.Or just make living on the station so inhospitable for the crew that zombies wouldn’t want to be there.