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  1. almost 15 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Definitely one of the best comics I’ve seen on here. Bravo to Signe for not doing the same comic everyone else is doing.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Joel Pett

    I agree, I think 87% is the proper amount from each one, but I’m just being argumentative.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    I don’t think Obama can accuse anyone of racism, especially against himself. I think he knows that if he does it’s going to be the proverbial blood in the water for Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh. Are they the trinity of the right wing now? And Obama will always have to downplay it whenever someone else makes a comment about racism against him. I long expected this from the first black president. He would have to act above the issue, it’s the best thing he can do.

  4. almost 15 years ago on Joel Pett

    Wow. I never thought anyone would make ANandy sound reasonable. As for the toon, I’m not sure if he’s trying to make things sound like they are worse today, but all this same stuff has been going on for years. Kidnappings, repressive governments, prison rape, out of prison rape, on top of the prison roof rape, jail rape, juvenile detention rape, bear in the woods rape, domestic violence, and murder have been going on since the beginning of time. The only difference is now we had a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of employees with nothing else to do with their time than report on the news 24 hours a day. Problem is there is only about 11 hours worth of news that actually happens a day so 13 hours of it get repeated, or one hour thirteen times.

  5. almost 15 years ago on Paul Szep

    Scott has said some intelligent things, and some stupid things. As Frank Rich said, “Even Glen Beck is right twice a day.” This is one of the stupid things. Only landowning white males should be allowed to vote? Is that seriously what you want to go back to?

  6. almost 15 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    Scott has the right to say as he will, this is an opinion place. Not being aware of any previous posts by him, this seems pretty neutral, not like he is encouraging it. However previous context is missing for me. Great toon btw. We are rowing in completely different directions. Sad.

  7. almost 15 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Why not just have forced labor camps in the middle of the Alaska wilds where escape would mean certain death? If we could have them make a product that would generate enough revenue to run the prison that much the better, though that may be unrealistic. This of course is in lieu of the death penalty.

  8. almost 15 years ago on Views of the World

    If there were any justice Israel would be sitting in the western half of Germany right now.

  9. almost 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    No to all of you. What Rall is doing here is trying to make money. No matter what happens, no matter who is in charge Rall’s comics are never going to change because that is the personality that people have come to expect for him. He’s exactly the same as Rush, Beck, Hannity, Rhodes or any of the others. He’ll always just bow down to what the far left demands.

  10. almost 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Rall is an overly idealistic moron and one of the reasons the far right has gained so much traction. Join us in the real world.