Ship the anchor baby back postage due, along with his criminal parents. Come here LEGALLY and I don’t care hispanic, asian, white, black, etc. Come here ILLEGALLY and you should be dropped from thirty thou, sans parachute, back into your third-world village.
Lob bunkerbusters into the heart of Mecca & Medina then build churches, synagogues, pork stores, liquor stores & strip clubs where their mosques once stood. As a sign of bridge building of course.
States should next respect the US Constitution as written and tell the racists Chairman Maobama and Eric Holder they will not enforce federal gun control laws because they infringe the Second Amendment, nor will they assist the feds in any gun case prosecutions. Much like racist Philly mayor Nutter (appropriate name for him) wants Philly to be a sanctuary city for illegals and not assist the feds with immigration law enforcement there. Arizona ranchers that shoot illegals should be considered as taking out the trash and not turned over to the feds.
^ANandy, not being a worshiper of the public school indoctrination system and their corrupt teacher unions. I hope they and Randi Weingarten also deal responsibly with their problem.
Funny how the thugocracy party led by a racist believer in black liberation theology that sat in a black racist preacher’s church for 20 years of attacking “typical white people”, a “leader” that appoints like-minded black racists including Van Jones and Eric Holder, is crying racist.
A Republican wins the Senate seat perpetually held by a murdering liberal in Taxachussetts,and the devilcrats are still in full ostrich mode.
Couldn’t have been as bad as any Michael Moore movie!