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The Old tried and tested Spaghetti test! I use it often, thus the really ugly shirt collection in my closet
Guys you are all missing something here… after several “weeks” of Boog and those two almost getting in trouble they come back and rescue Slim from( insert gag here!)
as to who is the smartest… my vote is with the donkey pulling the wagon…
I can see it now… The very first divorce in a newspaper strip! Brilliant Jim!
Hmmm, I think I will just pass… sorry guys
Hmmm … How about Space Face??!!??
^ WTF?
WIDOW!!??!! Who died I just thought the frigging bus slid down the bank and batteries “can” be tricky little things don’t you know…
…And the weather report from Seattle… dreary
The Old tried and tested Spaghetti test! I use it often, thus the really ugly shirt collection in my closet