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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    CNN is liberal? I guess you believe Fox “News” is “fair and balanced”. Did you know the world is flat?

  2. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Good thing it’s so easy to get guns in Florida, or these kids would still be bothering their mother. Thank you NRA and gun lobby. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/29/florida.children.killed/index.html?eref=mrssigooglecnn

  3. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    @MrRoberts - as you change the subject when the facts don’t fit your therory, I’ll remind you that, according to Ravenswing, “The 2009 murder rate per 100,000 in CCW-without-a-permit Arizona is 5.4. In gun loving Texas, 5.3. In Nevada, 5.9. In New Mexico, an eyepopping 8.7.

    In wimpy, liberal Massachusetts, 2.6.

    The violent crime rate in the same year per 100,000 in the same states was 490 (Texas), 508 (Arizona), 619 (New Mexico) and 702 (Nevada). In heavily urban, heavily GUN CONTROLLED Massachusetts? 457.

    If an armed citizenry is supposed to make us safer, when will that actually happen, please?” I’m not vouching for his stats, but I don’t necessarily accept yours, either. His argue the opposite of your point. Where are your numbers, and where do they come from? And as to your earlier response that the southern border states need to protect themselves from all the illegals - that’s an interesting assumption, but like the rest of your post, contains no data.

  4. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    @ Puddleglum - you claim that we here in Canada have more guns per capita than in the US - FALSE. According to the most recent international survey of domestic arms ownership (http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/publications/by-type/yearbook/small-arms-survey-2007.html) the US gun ownership rate is almost 3 times that of Canada. In addition, the percentage of handguns among Canadian owners is tiny, and it’s extremely rare for private citizens to be licensed to carry. The illegal weapons in the hands of criminals are nearly all smuggled in from the US - so thanks for that.

  5. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I see signs of nothing but improvements under Obama…so where’s the disaster in the making? I’m disappointed in a few of his actions not going far enough, having to make political concessions, but that’s reality. The repugs will find any excuse to trash the new liberal leader, but that’s just politics - people thinking with their ideology instead of their brains. Had more than enough of that with the Bushies - who clearly, obviously and definitely should be on trial for war-crimes. But that would “look bad” or something, I guess. Putting criminals on trial is a good thing unless they bleeep near ruined the country, in which case I guess they get a pass. Sometimes reality sucks.