No bio available
And Garfield is still to lazy to pick up the remote and change the channel.
This is probably the closest Broomie will get to a bar of soap this month.
Ever notice that the Spook and the Wiz look alike? I wonder if the Spook is Wiz’s older brother/father who made it rain toads in the castle one to many times?
The judge is definitely a thief, whether or not he is responsible for this theft remains to be seen.
Hmm, English outdoor fine dining. That would be a double oxymoron, or a compound oxymoron?
Now if heaven isn’t like this I’m going to be disappointed.
Lucy’s first psychiatric diagnosis.
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.” Calvin & Hobbes
If the side you’re on includes people wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt. You are on the wrong side! BYE
On a scale of 1 to stepping on a lego, how bad was it?
And Garfield is still to lazy to pick up the remote and change the channel.