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  1. about 3 hours ago on Baby Blues

    Call their bluff, Wanda:

    “Of course you an get tattoos when you can pay for them yourselves. You sure you won’t mind getting stabbed with a needle several hundred times?”

    “Drive the car? Sure. You’ll have to take a driver’s education class first… when you’re legally old enough, of course. A typical driver’s ed class and required driving practice only takes about 86 hours… on top of your regular schoolwork.”

  2. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    If you were trying to tighten it, meaning it was merely just a little loose, then you were turning it the wrong direction.

  3. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    Since it became essential for the joke. When it’s no longer important for the joke that she play well, she’ll probably revert to her old level of play.

  4. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    Yes, Wanda, one is all it takes… for now.

    What about in another half hour or so?

  5. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    Hammie has some strong chompers if he could take a bite like that.

    I hope he didn’t swallow.

  6. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    A lot depends on which figure it is and its condition. If Darryl played with them a lot when he was a kid, their condition may not be all that great. Collectors are always looking mint-in-package figures.

    I worked at a major toy retailer when I was between jobs. We would have people come in and buy two of certain figures — one for display and one to keep in the package, unopened. They knew which days our trucks would be coming and would show up as we were trying to get the merchandise out on the shelves. Sometimes, they would try to paw through the boxes as soon as we opened them.

    I always told my boys toys were meant to be played with, so play with them. “It’s only going to be worth something someday if somebody is willing to pay you what you’re asking.”

  7. 2 days ago on Baby Blues

    As adept at climbing as she is (we’ve seen it), it’s a wonder a playpen will hold Wren.

  8. 2 days ago on Baby Blues


  9. 3 days ago on Baby Blues



  10. 3 days ago on Baby Blues

    Our way seemed to make more sense to us. We had designated spots from which to shoot. If you made the shot from the first spot, you moved on to the next spot while the next player tried from the first spot. If he made it, he moved on too and the next player tried.

    If a shot was missed, the player had to shoot from the same spot on his next turn, getting only one shot per turn. So, you might have one player with HOR-, another with HO, a third H, and another with no letters. That way, it was a race to see who could spell HORSE first.