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  1. almost 5 years ago on Frazz

    Kayaks are also an indigenous invention, just from a different part of the world. One with more waves!

  2. almost 8 years ago on Betty

    Whoa…. America is leading on something like this?

    I guess it makes sense, more spread out, and your postal system was never as good, so less motivating.

    However I still get a lot of stuff through the post, I know other people who do, even after you leave out all the above mentioned stuff for the hell of it, business is very reliant on post. The postal system could attempt to price out the individual for anything other than parcels, but… eh, I think not yet.

    I still see mail carriers walking or cycling all the time. In places I’ve lived with multiple people, we get a LOT of post through the door each day. With less people, you don’t get stuff every day, but… often enough!

    Also the postboxes / mailboxes for sending stuff, are still fairly prevalent… so they still have people driving around to empty those and whatnot! And lord if you work upfront for a company, you get tonnes of post from …. a normal carrier, walking or driving around with a big bag. Even if they change, they’re not going anywhere, and even if they go somewhere, it’ll only be to all being couriers.

  3. almost 8 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Seen it done! Quite well actually

  4. almost 8 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I used to like pineapple and black olives. I’ve known loads who liked pineapple but not with ham. Bit of a jump!

    But I totally get why people would dislike pineapple on pizza!

  5. almost 8 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    It depends where you live, how prostitutes dress. The LA street prostitute look works great for LA, but modifies some with the weather, and there are other variations where prostitutes are, dressed in a certain way, yeah, but their entire body is covered, and only a bit of it will include skintight clothing. So this is different.

    Further, most policeman are unfortunately going to see prostitutes differently to “normal women.”

    Lila is fractionally missing that black actually limits how noticeable it is :p

    But not everyone is into the “skinsock” effect, anyway!

    I would add something about people being trained not to do this sort of thing on their jobs, but recent trials suggest that’s probably a bit of optimism regarding police departments :/

  6. almost 8 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Isn’t english grammar lovely? I shot an Elephant in my pyjamas, updated!

  7. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    …how is Brad’s hair long enough to collect a twig, let alone one someone didn’t brush out?

    I love the idea, but I just wish it had made some actual sense! The smudge under her chin is unlikely but possible, other things are more likely, the twig in his super short hair defies physics.

  8. almost 8 years ago on Frazz

    Also syndicated comics have to be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks ahead, so this timing of this strip will have been a coincidence!

  9. almost 8 years ago on Frazz

    Yeah, super kudos to the person who personally researched the effects of 4w drive, but I got taught about it when I reached driving age by my parents.

    The most succinct summary my dad ever made was “4wd doesn’t help you stay on the road, it helps you drive back onto the road after you slide off it.”

    Yes, its pretty well known within the industry that it only has an effect under 10 mph. (In theory it therefore should help you stay on the road under 10mph, if you would drive that slowly, but the visualisation in his statement is so useful and powerful!)

    What you’re seeing when you see 4wd cars handle better than other cars at higher speeds in snow and ice is usually a handful of related things. They’re more likely to have better tires. They’re more likely to be weighted well (although if you have a pick-up you HAVE to solve that yourself, and many 4×4 its not a bad idea to have weighting options.) From memory rear wheel drive cars are specifically worse (though rarer.) Automatics (which are the most common in the states) often are set to switch gears a bit differently on 4wd cars, which will slightly increase control and performance in snowy/icy weather. Might be missing a few…

    And I have done the sad slide slide slide off the road, drive back on, slide off about 50 meters later, drive back on… was very very grateful for the 4wd, but not interested in pretension that it would let me drive fast that day!

    And where I am… the first day after a bad snow is usually ok. Its mostly only Americans and Europeans driving, the plows have usually been around a little on the major roads and there’s a salt layer, and it works. The second day… is scary AF and man I’m not driving on any of those again if I can help it!

  10. almost 8 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    So I had a family member who was admittedly young, but 6’1.5", and probably more than 220lbs at times. He drove, if you remember them, a Geo Metro, the ones that were top for gas mileage for years in the 1990’s.

    People wound up referring to it as the clown car, because they found it so perplexing to see him get out of it, but tiny as it was it fit him just fine inside (though hit and miss for the idea of fitting a passenger in the seat behind him :p)