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  1. almost 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    But that guard on the left does not appear to be a woman or a man of color.

  2. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    Cheney was outside when he shot that guy in the face.

  3. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    Ted, how come your columns are always on Smirking Chimp before they are posted here?

    Also, maybe you could do some cartoons with giant squid in them. You have done them in the past and they were funny. There is a giant squid invasion going on off the Pacific Coast right now:


    Good cartoon today – this Prez is getting really pathetic. It is going to be a challenge pretty soon to even do cartoons about him; it will be like shooting fish in a barrel, or squid in a barrell. I’m sure you will rise to the challenge though.

  4. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall


    maybe in terms of actual vacations that is true, but he has already played more rounds of golf in one year than W. did his whole two terms. It was in Harper’s Index.

  5. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    We not only have sent in the Marines, we have put on a concert on the cable teevee. What more do the ingrates expect or need?

  6. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    Another funny one-panel. And spot on. I appreciate this because I’m on FB and use it to keep in touch with some family and friends, but I never put anything important on there. I’m sure “they” can get to it other ways.

    BTW Ted – are you still banking at Citibank? You need to read this right away:


    and then go to:


    Thanks Ted.

  7. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    Yes! Cannabis too I mean, not instead of. We have virtually every kind of climate in the U.S. Poppies in the Southwest, cannabis in the Midwest. Actually, both of those can grow in a wide range of climates and people can grow and utilize them in their own backyards almost everywhere. Maybe the places that are hot AND extremely humid are not so good for P. somniferum, but still … And we have a lot of plant-breeding skill in this country so that we can work on selecting and breeding new varieties that would be adapted to different climates and growing seasons, etc. Let’s put Americans back to work on this!

  8. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    I know the comments about poppies were when this ran the day before, but it makes more sense to comment on the current page – doesn’t it? But anyway …

    There is absolutely no reason we couldn’t grow our own poppies here in the U.S. There is all sorts of nonsense about how the soil and climate have to be just right, they will only grow in certain very special places, blah blah and blah. This is just drug-war propaganda to discourage people. We could grow all the opium poppies we need and probably supply the world market as well! An alternative crop for our farmers, and no more funding for the Taliban. This is just one more thing we have offshored to other countries that we could be doing here with our own workers and farmers.

  9. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    Priceless! A classic Ted Rall one-frame. Folks, I think some of you just over-analyze things. This works instantly, on a number of levels. The main one I got is the obsession with people/events of at best minor importance while the [national] house is burning down. I took it as a given that she made the story up to get money.

    BTW, related to some comments above about not judging lest we be judged, etc. Aside from the annoyance over the years of having so much attention paid to something as ridiculous as golf, it has long been my belief that Tiger Woods in fact has had, and continues to have, a fairly miserable life. I’m pretty sure of it now. It doesn’t excuse what he’s done to his family, but it’s understandable in a way.

  10. over 14 years ago on Ted Rall

    killbill, do you have any evidence that “maroon” in the Bugs Bunny sense is anything but just a mispronunciation of “moron”?