
Buzzy-One Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Wonder how many of the resident security wizards have done any traveling in the last year or so ?

  2. about 15 years ago on Tony Auth

    “BozOUTS” - Some posters haven’t gotten anywhere this year. Nothing to say and only illusion to go on with.

  3. over 15 years ago on Jim Morin

    Hey petey - we is met the enemy and you is it.

  4. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Ira N, well put.

  5. over 15 years ago on ViewsAsia

    ^ Another know nothing all hung up over teleprompters. Give ANandy a big hug scotty.

  6. over 15 years ago on Paul Szep

    scotty’s got a real knot in his shorts to day ;oD

  7. over 15 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Compared to the most of your postings ANandy it would appear they’re pretty sharp. But then again that’s just a comparison.

  8. over 15 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Good point Ken W.

  9. over 15 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    scotty, did you have a plastic window installed in your stomach ?

  10. over 15 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    ANandy - still no clue ?