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  1. over 11 years ago on B.C.

    dodo bird s only went extinct a few hundred years ago so there should still be plenty left in B C !

  2. about 13 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    I have a kindle and they are indeed somewhat fragile. the reading experience is quite good however. The print is whatever size you like. It works well in bright sunlight.The batteries last for weeks if your just reading on it.The book doesn’t keep trying to close on you and lose your page.It is lighter and smaller than most books.You can get a new book without driving to the bookstore or library. You can get your book RIGHT NOW.There are hundreds of thousands of free books available through project Gutenberg.You can carry an entire home library in your pocket .It is not like reading on a computer screen at all it is like reading a book.You have access to Wikipedia and Google as well as a built in dictionary.Almost all books allow you a free sample chapter before you buy.THE KINDLE CAN READ TO YOU if your busy working and then go back to being a book when your done.If you share a kindle book with a friend(only once per book when allowed) you WILL get it back in two weeks.Most people who tell me they will never switch to an e- reader have never actually tried one and usually change their mind once they have.By Jan 1 2012 kindle will be able to borrow e- pub library books.This really isn’t as great as it sounds though since most library’s only have a few hundred books to lend.I do still read paper books but find myself wishing I could get them on the kindle.

  3. about 13 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    I own a kindle and love it. Most of the people who say they prefer paper books have never tried a reader with a e-ink screen. It is a whole different experience to reading on a back lit screen.most e- readers can go for weeks and then only need a 2 hour recharge.when I carry mine I don’t just have a book I have as whole library wherever I go.Large format , color and art books will keep bookstores going for a while.The direct publishing that can be done through amazon will allow many authors to publish who would never have worked their way through the publishing industry’s gate keeping.If j.k. Rowling had not been very persistent we would have never gotten Harry Potter.

  4. about 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    I keep getting dozens of pop ups on your site but not on any other site. my adware blockers and anti virus software find nothing.If these ads are associated with your sight I suggest you ditch them immediately as I can no longer use your site because of them.