That tiny idea in the back of Molly’s mind that her mom and dad will get back together – and his actually going out (or rather, in, ) with Ozi makes it certain that won’t happen.
100% agreed there – but if I’m riding where I have to travel to get there (via car…) I always keep a pair of baggy shorts to go over the cycling ones in transit.
Has it ever been confirmed where they live, and where Gene etc lives now? It seems that A&J are midwest someplace, and Gene and such could be the Carolina shores? Or further south, like Mississippi / Louisiana area?
THe one time I got away with hitting my brother back was from a ‘punch buggy’ hit. His was a bit harder than necessary, so an “ouch” and a punch back and they yelled at him for hitting first.
has it ever been mentioned how far away that condo is from the kids’ house? Is it a serious ride, or is it close enough that one or the other of them can pop over to check on him a few times a week? Honestly that, to me, could also be part of the decision making process. Obviously if they only talk by phone or see him just every couple weeks, there a lot that can go wrong in that stretch.
There’s another joke here somewhere about Cesarian section when the woman is saying, “et tu, Brute?”