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Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Hmmm. It’s LA. The moronic, half-wit, twit, dumber than a box of rocks DA there won’t charge these shytebags arrested with a d@mned thing. Nothing will happen. At all. It’s a hate crime, but I will venture to say that not a single one of the arrested will be charged and prosecuted with a hate crime. Not one. Mark my words.

    This Kristallnacht, the Brown Shirts, and a rise in Jew hate that is openly accepted in our society. We saw it growing in April when the college campuses allowed the petulant students to overtake buildings, campout for weeks, lead violent protests, actively chant for the death of Jews, protest “from the river to the sea” (ever see those man in the streets where the nitwits didn’t know what river or what sea?), and justify their violence towards Jews.

    This is acceptable to so many in this nation, and by and large it is much more accepted by the left leaning circles of this nation. It has been for DECADES, but now…..now it is been erupting in a way that the outright racism and depth of hatred they have is visible for all to see.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Wow. I see the delusion is really strong with you.

    What defines a hate group? It’s really interesting when you look into it. Who is the arbiter of this?

    The Democrats have a long, long list of their own “hate groups” – you pontificate so arrogantly that only one side does. But again, it depends on what measuring stick you use to define such a thing.

    I see more racism in the non-south areas of this nation than I do in the south. It’s often just hidden and done in different ways.

    I mean even the Asian mayor of Boston, married to a white dude, publicly held in city property a Christmas gathering ONLY for colored people. And it was accepted as being OK. See? It is subtle, but it is not.

  3. about 4 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Havel: Because it is our history. Good, bad, ugly. It is OUR history. It may not need to all be celebrated, however it should ALL be on display for everyone to see, and examine, and reflect on.

    But along that vein, why are all those roads, buildings, and bridges, and projects in West Virginia still named after a racist POS named Byrd? Oh that’s right….Democrats.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    billopfer: See, this is how I look at it. YOU make the accusation that his speeches are inane and rambling, the YOU show me the proof. YOU show me which ones in particular that YOU are talking about. That way I know exactly what evidence you use to make your assessment.

    Again, you make assumptions. I don’t think he is worse than President Biden mentally. You obviously did not read what I wrote. Do try that again.

    So YOU made those accusations so YOU show me what made you come to those conclusions.

    You won’t though will you? Nope. You would rather stick to the leftist tactic here of making a post and then when questioned on it, tell questioner to go search it out because it’s easy to find. Not how life works.

    You ever tell your supervisor that when they asked for substantiating data? “yeah, sorry boss, I’m not going to do that, you go search out the stuff that supports my point for me.”

    Come on dude. You’re supposed to be an intelligent person, act like it.

  5. about 4 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    braindead: Really? It’s just the Republicans writing the tax code? Wow. Both parties so warped, twisted, and bent it takes a corkscrew to get their pants on.

    Our current President spent 36 years in the Senate. He most certainly has had a role in writing that tax code, even if it was just voting on it.

    That dark money exists in both parties you know. Though I suspect you think that the dark money exists only for “good” on the leftist side.

  6. about 4 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Durak: Counseling. Agreed that it would be wonderful. But the individual has to be open and receptive to it. It involves a huge deep dive of introspection – as you are likely aware. Most children aren’t there yet. You usually have to get some real kicks in the n@ts in life to open you up to wanting it. And most adults don’t want it, even after the hits and kicks we have taken.

    It’s akin to forcing an addict into addiction counseling. The addict has to want it and be invested in it.

  7. about 17 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Concretionist: It’s WAY more than one study.

    The issue is not necessarily providing the care, it is providing medications and surgeries that have lifelong consequences to individuals that are under a certain age.

    Everyone just needs to take a f@cking breath. Think back to how out of sorts we all were as a child. So much of that was what’s going on in our bodies from the hormones of puberty. Now we want to start throwing more hormones into the mix? Our species is smart and advanced (although on my road trip today I may question that a bit more) but we aren’t anywhere near that smart.

    Let the CHILDREN chill. Adjust a bit. REALLY concentrate on the mental health aspect of things. No I’m not talking conversion therapy or anything like that. Get these people’s minds set. Set them up for life, and to be able to achieve success regardless.

    One of my very best friends is counselor, and she is disgusted – with 30 years in practice – at how pathetically inadequate the counseling and screening of these children is, even at the “world renowned” institutions that we are a stone’s throw away from, before they are just recommending surgery and hormone treatments.

    This field is in its infancy, barely out of the womb stage go infancy. And we are seeing groups push this like it’s as effecting as putting in a coronary artery stent during a heart attack.

    It’s not being transphobic, it’s looking to do what is best for them…….and right now, honestly, we don’t have any good, reliable, replicable data that shows that this is. It’s downright scary seeing how easily and forcefully this is being pushed on people as though it is just fine.

  8. about 18 hours ago on The Duplex

    Who in their right mind EVER put Yoko Ono near a microphone? She sounds like a herd of cats being run over by a steamroller.

  9. about 18 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    billopfer: Wow. Sweetheart take chill.

    I have not seen them because I have not seen them. Has nothing to do with his mental state. You made statements about him, I said I have not seen them. And you, as a good little leftist, turn it around as an insult instead of posting a link to these alleged statements.

    No denial. I have seen nothing in Mr. Trump that points to dementia. Do I think he’s a putz? Absolutely, he’s driving the bus, however I see nothing that indicates that particular class of maladies in him. Other maladies and issues yes, however not dementia.

    Dude. I don’t have to watch edited or “deep fake” (another catch phrase every other week, good Lord) videos. I can watch the entire speech and pick out his mutterings, ramblings, off base moments, lapses in memories, lack of comprehension, and so many other things.

    See, despite what you think – we’re not all uneducated, knuckle dragging cretins. We don’t all watch Fox News, or listen to some off base talker. We can just watch it on C-Span, or even a White House feed.

    Tomorrow night should be interesting. They’re both up there for all to see. All their frailties and problems will be laid bare for the people to assess.

    Keep those insults coming. I’d hate for you deviate from the leftist playbook and actually have a discussion.

  10. about 18 hours ago on WuMo

    Ishka: I stopped taking anything the media told me seriously a long time ago. I take what I am told and then I verify its veracity using additional means.

    Why did the man bite the dog?