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"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    Snow removal is fine to cut at certain points. Just don’t cut back on your fire department and woodland management. Doesn’t seem to be working out for some locales of late.

  2. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Your house was built in what at some point in time was an animal’s habitat.

  3. 2 days ago on The Duplex

    Having worked as a firefighter and EMT, I have been inside many a house that could have used this service. If only he’d be able to get the cockroaches out.

  4. 4 days ago on WuMo

    Nice pun. Thankfully my children (who like amusement parks and coasters) have absolutely zero desire to go to anything Disney related. Now I can save to help them with college.

    If only that was a joke.

  5. 4 days ago on Win, Lose, Drew

    Stay at home. No traffic, no loud fans spilling beer on you. No problems and a much better view. Heck, even a huge 98" TV (not a typo) is cheaper than a day at the game for one person.


  6. 4 days ago on Shoe

    For the past 4 years we have had a progressively worsening dementia-ridden President.

  7. 4 days ago on Pickles

    I recall some other guy looking at his watch three times (at least.) Believe it was in Dover, DE back in 2021 if memory serves correctly.

  8. 4 days ago on Gray Matters

    My ex wife asked me one time “does this look good on me?” After 20+ years together you would have thought she’d know she’d get an honest answer.

    I simply replied “no.”

    Funny. She had no issue telling me how horribly I dressed, how she didn’t like this way I looked, or that way. Never solicited, but God-forbid you say anything about her.

    She is now another man’s issue (she was having an affair with him at that time). Thanks for the counseling session. LOL.

  9. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Tech: I listen to one show, though I do lean conservative (in case you didn’t pick up on it.) The bulk of my news comes from MSM sites.

    One other thought that popped into my brain (yes I do have one of those). Since you like introducing issues not mentioned, I will follow your lead.

    I have watched in the past few years, our current President (dementia ridden as he is) travel to Maui within two weeks of their devastating fires last year. I watched him fly to California less than a week for their fires. It took him a full year to go to see the poor white folk in East Palestine, OH after they have lost everything and have to deal with lingering health effects. FEMA has wonderfully been found to direct their employees to avoid homes with Trump signage. Always nice to see that equal opportunity health from the feds. And apparently that directive came from higher up in the organization. Alas, that appears to be OK with many in the left. Because all conservatives must die, or as a Democrat congressional hopeful said, we need to be put in “re-education camps.” Or one Gov. Kathy Hochul who said that those that disagreed with her values were not welcome in the State of New York. These aren’t the only two that have called for it.

    Thankfully, people are waking up. The top states for out migration are all blue, CA, NY, MA, IL. And in California, we have seen drastically what great management the Dems are capable of given their deficits, horrid woodland management, budget cutting of fire services, and many other issues.

    But it’s OK. They’re Democrats.

  10. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Tech: Who is my propaganda spewer?

    You assume that it is about race. So much from the left whines about seems to be about race and/or gender. I am, again, not speaking for Mr. Trump so I don’t know why you wish to introduce him into the mix. But that seems to be right out of the ol’ leftist playbook.

    However, since you seem to be on a rant about people being maligned publicly, I’ll remind you that President Biden has maligned Blacks for supporting Mr. Trump. Telling them “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” or Mr. Obama having a problem with “the brothers” not supporting the VP. Or the left continually spouting off that white men want to take away a woman’s “right” to an abortion completely nullifying the women (and there are a LOT of women) that don’t support unfettered access to abortion. I watched many leftists in 2016 go after Mrs. Trump for her speech at the convention because of her accent. Is that sexism or anti-immigrant? (asking for a friend.) Again, racism and sexism that is likely OK to most leftists because it supports their agenda.

    As for the illegality of Mrs. Trump (III) she has not been in this country illegally, it is believed (albeit with a good bit supporting information) that she WORKED illegally. Why a government would let someone have one visa to look for work, then get another one to actually work seems stupid – but this is the federal government we’re talking about. She is also a United States citizen.

    Mr. Musk apparently did violate the immigration laws. Wrong to do. Again, Wrong is wrong. However there seems to be some ambiguity to it.

    Those children in cages? Yes, it was done, and reported with great hyperbole by the media and the left which, true to form, often failed to mention that it began years before under the previous administration.

    Where has it been stated by them that Mr. Trump would like to deport legal aliens? Do tell.