Burrowing owl attack

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 10 years ago on Nest Heads

    Bus driver and sewer worker have been done.

  2. almost 10 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Have you seen the “Garfield” movies? Even Bill Murray was confused by Coen (“Fargo”) vs.Cohen (“Daddy Day Care”) and thought he was working with the former. Read the article at “Business Insider”.

  3. almost 10 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Likely so, before kids started studying yearly for the standardized tests..In third grade, I also remember studying the earth’s regions (tropic, temperate, steppes, deserts, rainforests), as well as an intro to South America (countries, locations, basic exports, vocabulary: pampas, llamas, vicuna, vaqueros).

  4. almost 10 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    “Sorry, Mr. Picasso. I am not available for Tuesday’s modeling session next week.”

  5. almost 10 years ago on JumpStart

    Did a morning and a night tour of Alcatraz on different days. Both times, it POURED. My B&B had a gas fireplace in my room, so at least everything dried without me having to lug everything to the laundromat. On the good side, the rain and gloominess did add to the atmosphere of the tour.

  6. almost 10 years ago on Jane's World

    Forgive me. I am on several different comment boards with a wide range of readership (some fun, some so serious they could eat a bran muffin and produce a tweed suit in an hour).

    I edit paperwork where people pay me to be strict. Places like this, I do not get paid, and have been subject to curses and vitriol, not so much from the cartoonist/author but the audience when the particular slip is in the writing.

    Rarely do I correct a commenter’s posting – I figure that the standard to/too/two, your/you’re, its/it’s or a slight misspelling can be a spellcheck error, unless the word is completely out of left field.

    I for one dislike the two terms I invoked, hence the Grammar Task Force as an alternative. I merely used them as a pre-emptive strike and shield from the incoming poison arrows I’ve received on other sites.

    This site feels a bit friendlier. The authors actually read the commentaries here? I am glad for a place I can let down my guard, well, just a little.

    Thank you.

  7. almost 10 years ago on Jane's World

    Pedantic alert: spelling is: “gimmick”. I am neither a grammar nazi nor gestapo, merely a member of the Spelling Task Force.

    And apart from the fact that they dropped clams from their menu, the food and sports and camaraderie is still pretty good at most locations in general. .Seriously, for years, the one in Kissimmee had the “World’s Oldest Hooters Girl” – my exBF and I would stop by to visit and for near 55, this woman had one helluva shape above and below the neck. And she was the best and coolest bartender ANYWHERE on this or any other planet. Sad to say, one of our hurricanes (Charlie, Frances, or Jeanne) messed up the location and it never reopened. ExBF and I always wondered what happened to ‘Grandma’.

  8. almost 10 years ago on Ink Pen

    Know her secret wants and wishes. Perhaps a weekend at Centralia, PA? Pripyat Amusement park? Or Okpo Land (which actually opened)?

  9. almost 10 years ago on Imagine This

    Depends if its 30F or 30C (86F). With the latter, I’d be in the hammock, albeit wrapped in a blanket or two.

  10. almost 10 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    And, in this case, allows karma to run over the dogma..Well, the truckma to run over the chickenma.