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I think that same carving was attached to the bathroom key at the gas station I stopped at last week! See, it is a key chain!
Well, when life hands you a lemming, make lemmingade!
I meant “wasn’t” so bad - I need to proof before hitting submit
maybe DDT was so bad after all
Good to see Nelson’s hair has grown back!
I like it when I have to think a little to get the punch line! Great strip today!
I don’t care that you love me. I still want a real vacation!
Spoken like a true cat!
Well, at least it will smell like a Christmas tree.
Fresh, Hot, NOW! The Krispy Kreme sign must be lit! Hold on guys, I’m coming with you!
I think that same carving was attached to the bathroom key at the gas station I stopped at last week! See, it is a key chain!