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  1. about 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    @Livia.E Bay said . Also Clovia divorce that fool you call your husband! . Is this YOUR solution for married life problems?

  2. about 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    WHO keeps flagging the comments? Perhaps that person should be flagged? . Just noticed all the flags disappeared.

  3. about 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Yes, Clovia would be responsible for the law suits.

    Slim did try to learn who was taking the cars. And when people get interrupted, we all forget what we were supposed to do regardless of age.Some men are entirely dependent on their mates and vice versa. Many couples do work together and divorce fails to be a real answer as one set of problems is being changed for another. Slim did start out to mail the payment when Chubby came in and the problem was compounded with Lil. Having relatives like that, can relate. Personally have tried to have envelopes and labels, and still find these are missing at the last minute when asked to do the mailing!

  4. about 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Being as this is a comic strip, any thing can happen. But it seems that we may have lost more strips lately like the Phantom as well as Annie, Joe Palooka, so many have been dropped it is hard for us in our 70s to keep track. Even worse it is the GOOD strips that are going and junk is being fousted on the younger generations.

  5. about 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    There is another law that protects senior citizens. And Nina and Skeezix sure apply. The fines can be hefty for the leery & unwary. BTW Best buy is also a scam. When we boot out some of the union goons who are taking workers pride out of doing good work, we will start getting quality products made in USA again.

  6. almost 14 years ago on Annie

    Getting here less frequently, due to other obligations.

    Will have to get an avatar. The replies do seem to be jumbled a bit.

    Sorry about the trauma in your family, Bob. Pray all is well now.

    Keep us updated with Annie, Dick & Dondi.

    Happy Easter all.

  7. almost 14 years ago on Annie

    Agree that publishing houses are in a flux. Still like the hard copy that fits readily in the pocket. It is easier to find one’s place and review material read. Some of the pocket books are readily separated so that 5-6 chapters can be placed in a pocket, read at leisure, and then replaced and the next section put in the pocket. Newspapers are little too large, but magazines are easily slipt in pockets when folded. Some of the older little books with the cartoons also fit into pockets.

    My wife told me to drop my media subscriptions and read the media on-line. Now she is complaining about my time on-line while she plays games on-line. It is usually after 7 PM before my getting on the PC.

    Can someone help Bob Bass with Annie?

  8. almost 14 years ago on Annie

    We have a number of news rags falling around Illinois. They are farming their work out to other papers. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come. Tribune media is one of those downsizing.

  9. almost 14 years ago on Annie

    Hardly a lurker, just staying in the background. Do Miss Annie and many other features which have been removed from our media. SOme of them, like Annie, may have been hitting too close to home by the writers.

    Waiting for BB’s next update.

  10. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Liz said “NO”. The boys said we’re coming in anyway and told her to move over. They could have asked to sit on one side or even started building their own sand castles, on the other side. Later they could have helped Liz with building.

    A guy who grew up with 4 sisters AND they had five brothers!