@ Mark Tatulli for RealsI’m a comics junkie. I’m 78 years old and follow about 70 strips daily on two websites. I remember reading the comics section as a child durin the Golen Age when Prince Valiant was a full page. I collect original comic art.I’ve been following all this furor lately.After reading ALL the past week’s comments including your explanation, I’ve concluded the following:The old Heart will probably not be coming back. You have made this choice with good reasons that I completely understand.I follow and enjoy Lio also and I will continue to follow him.I see Lio is the more popular strip. I don’t understand this as I always thought Heart had far more depth of it’s characters and more complex and interesting story arcs. I would personally rather you had dropped Lio and kept Heart if I had to choose, however the choice was not mine to make. The color business DOES make the art better to look at but is a separate issue. It does NOT make the new strip more appealing to me.Some commenters do not seem able to be critical without being mean spirted, rude and hateful. I find this appalling. Some commenters seem only to like hearing (seeing) their own words and resemble Captain Obvious or Miss Uninformed.You SHOULD publish a book of all the strips.I think Heart’s future lies with those who like the change and those who will follow in days yet to come. I plan to drop following the comic. It is not Heart either in appearance or content. Sorry. You are a great creator and Heart has provided me much enjoyment over the years. I’ll probably follow for another week just to see how the comments go.Good luck.
I agree with many of your comments. I’ll give it a week or so but I don’t think I’ll keep following this.The art is cute but it’s not “Heart”. I can’t tell who’s who. Dean’s hair makes him look like a girl. Writer needs to develop their own strip. Kinda like if “Prince Valliant” was drawn by Crumb. It’s not gonna work. It’s Tatulli’s choice to do with the strip as he will but it would have been better for me if he had just retired or chosen an artist to copy his style as has happened with “Prince Valliant”, “Dick Tracy” “Blondie” “Alley Oop”and other past icons.I really don’t like to see sour comments like “Art is awful.” and the like. It’s not awful or bad. It just doesn’t suit this case. Criticism can be expressed without being insulting or hateful.Mark, you might want to at least consider rethinking your choice. perhaps even returning.
It was a schoolyard chant from the 50s. I’m not going to repeat it here..I can’t get all the comments to appear. Only 5 out of the 7 noted.Perhaps they were deleted by the censors.
I had to think back to my school days (and I’m 75 years old) to see why the referee is also in the penalty box.You won’t hear that today.All the censors must be young or asleep at the switch.
I never cared for Dondi either, back in the day.Each to their own taste.