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  1. 8 months ago on Doonesbury

    I don’t know… that sounds dangerously like ‘work’.

  2. 9 months ago on Nick Anderson

    Of course, the GOP had already announced their withdrawal from the PDC back in 2022…

    www. npr. org /2022/04/14/1092916451/republicans-say-theyre-quitting-the-biased-commission-on-presidential-debates

  3. 10 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Hard to tell… After all, she bragged about it in a book she then had published. Sociopaths believe that performative ruthlessness is a demonstration of their capacity to make the hard choices. I can totally see her go and try to make the point on TV that she was just willing to do what ‘weaker’ people are unable to.

  4. 10 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Barbarity is where MAGA started more than eight years ago. Remember those Trump early rallies with the proto-MAGA cretins shouting ‘Lügenpresse’ at the press pen? Those wannabe-Nazi knew where they wanted this movement to pick up from.

  5. 10 months ago on Nick Anderson

    As far as conservative are concerned, laws are what’s used to beat on their opponent, not anything that apply to them. Just watch the Fox News, Newsmax and AON anchors go rabid on the unfairness of any republican being considered for prosecution and contrast it with their gleefulness when reporting on whoever they consider ‘woke’ being attacked by law enforcement instead. Got plenty of examples of both just in the last couple weeks.

  6. 10 months ago on Joe Heller

    Josh Hawley and all the other chickenhawks out there are.

  7. 11 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Technically, that would be the Federalist Society. Now, the question with the more interesting answer would be… where the Federalist Society goes for their bizarre notions and interpretations.

  8. 11 months ago on Clay Jones

    The ‘joke’ is that the cultists plan on laughing while it happens. Let’s face it, if you’re not MAGA, you’re not really humans to those folks.

  9. 11 months ago on Jeff Stahler

    Now, now… don’t go and bring facts to a dogma flinging contest. The followers of the Orange Messiah who’s on record for calling military personnel ‘suckers’ that ‘knew what they were getting into’ don’t responds to mere historical reality when they’re in the throw of a good pseudo-outrage rant about how the ‘elites’ don’t care.

  10. 11 months ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    I’m going to take a wild stab at this but I think @brwydave might be referring to the adjudicated rapist who’s having to pay over $80M in reparation for defamation in federal court and over $400 in disbursement for fraud to his former state of residence. Not to mention dozens of counts in multiple indictment on election interference, insurrection, etc.

    But go ahead and demonstrate to the class how confused you can be trying to create some kind of equivalence between Trump and Biden when it comes to grifting. It’s been a long day, people might be up for a laugh.