“Tater Tot Future,” as the slogan on a package of taquitos in my freezer said this morning. Or alternatively, as my vision began to come in focus, “Taste the Fiesta!”
That may well be so. For my part, I find it a lot easier to wake up, get up, and go to work if it’s already light out, whereas, after work, I’m wired enough to coast for several hours regardless of whether it’s dark out or not.
Where I live, sunrise was at 7:51 this morning. With year-round Daylight Saving Time, it would have been at 8:51. With a two-hour dose of year-round Daylight Saving Time, it would have been at 9:51. I’m not sure most people would consider that a fix. There are always going to be fewer hours of sunlight in winter than in summer, and more hours of sunlight in summer than in winter, whether you have Daylight Saving Time or not.
It used to be said, and I tend to think rightly so, that going around wearing a baseball cap backwards is the international symbol for “I am a complete f—-ing moron.” It does seem to fit Cruz, though, I must admit, and no insult intended.
No Sheeta.