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  1. almost 8 years ago on GoComics Update: New Engagement And Navigation Enhancements

    Many of the comics opened with a facade page with large “Go Comics” graphic and had to be reloaded. It was things like the above mentioned having to click expand and bad loading that got me here from a different comic aggregation site. A couple more days like this and I will be looking to see if they have cleaned up their act.

  2. almost 8 years ago on GoComics Update: New Engagement And Navigation Enhancements

    Having to expand every panel is a pain in the backside. Get rid of that and just have the whole panel on the page. Scrolling is easy if needed.

  3. over 8 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Interesting there are only two people in the basket with slightly browner skin.How is it that someone playing on the fears of hispanics, muslims and “those people” is the uniter among us?It seems those who deplore Hillary have come to the conclusion that she did something terrible, we just haven’t found it of yet.If people do not stand up to the alt-right movement, the white supremacy movement and all the other toxic deplorable groups among us and supports the one who embraces them, they are no better than the people they aid in gaining power. The GOP was a once proud and honest party. It has now evolved into the divisiveness of ’southern strategy, religious oneupmanship, ant-LGBT hatred, anti-labor and many other splinters to make their base. In making such a toxic base, the party has become debased. It is clear the Republican Party leaders feel the good of the Party is more important than what is good for America. This comes from one who identified as a Republican in my youth.Maybe if the party comes to its senses that could be my identity in the future.

  4. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I used to work with a guy who didn’t want to use a Macintosh. He said it was because he couldn’t get the programs he wanted. I explained that all of them were available for the Mac. He said, “yeah, but you have to pay for them.” Since then, I have always wondered about PC users. Just because it is software, doesn’t mean it isn’t stealing.

    BTW, content can be put on iPods and other Apple devices without having to buy them from Apple. The music on my iPod comes from the CDs I have bought or MP3s from other online sources. Even some of my old vinyl has been digitized onto the Pod.

    –“Anyone who isn’t totally confused just doesn’t understand the situation.” - Edward Murrow

  5. about 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Such a tender sentiment…

    Hope he has a soft heart.

  6. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    So much for all of those who WERE saying Trudeau is giving Obama a pass.

    There are just too many high roller dollars in politics.