After long experimentation I finally got my pizza dough to be just right. Then I worked with sauces and toppings to make the perfect pizza. However, it’s really not that much better than taking out our favorite frozen pizza, and adding extra, really good toppings to it.
When my kid brother was about 2 he was building with blocks and his creation came tumbling down. He glared down at it and yelled, “Ga da!” I told mom she better watch her language around him.
“ergo sum” is an interesting way to end your answer: “therefore I am.” Perhaps you meant QED, quod erat demonstrandum (that which was to be demonstrated).
After long experimentation I finally got my pizza dough to be just right. Then I worked with sauces and toppings to make the perfect pizza. However, it’s really not that much better than taking out our favorite frozen pizza, and adding extra, really good toppings to it.