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  1. over 15 years ago on Sylvia

    Go to Canada and wait 6 months for an MRI if you can get one. You are foolish to want socialized health care. We have the best available right now. Obama and his cronies are going to ruin it for all of us who care enough to be responsible and pay out of our own pockets, “instead of sucking off the government teat” Go to Canada or Europe and take their health care system, you’ll probably get cancer and come whining back.

  2. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Why don’t all you socialists go to Russia or China. Oh wait, they gave that system up, wasn’t working… where can you go now…. maybe North Korea or Cuba. Go take a look at their living standard, I certainly would not like living like that but maybe you would. Less taxation means more money for investment and that means more jobs for the American people. Taxes on corporations only cost the American consumer, those taxes only raise the price of the product being sold. Bring on a 10% fair tax.

  3. over 15 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Our Jacks are neutered but they don’t seem to know it, they still are veeeery interested when our female pooch is in heat. They just don’t know they can’t get the job done. Poor little guys. What did happen to the squirrel cafe?

  4. over 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    The joke was cute, the artwork is dreadful.

  5. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    basbybend, Elly didn’t make the comment, her friend did, but doesn’t matter. It’s just a witticism said by her friend and also true. A lot of little boys don’t want to play with little girls but when they are older they do for many reasons, maybe just intellectual enjoyment not always sexual. Siblings are always having conflict, very normal. Elly did fine there. She comforted Lizzie, but didn’t make the boys include her in their play, children of different ages should not have to include younger children if they are doing something with a friend their own age and Lizzie needs to learn she won’t be catered to constantly. But it would be ok if Elly helped Lizzie make a sand castle too.

  6. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    In answer to the comments about my post, my daughter is employed as a teacher and pays heavily for her health care in Austria. She related this story to me honestly and was surprised at the treatment she received there. If you don’t believe it, then go on your merry way, it’s the truth. I would like to know what hospital the person was in that shared a room in the US with 5 people, I really don’t believe that. Even in the small town I had my children in I had a semi-private room with 1 other person and a bathroom with shower and sink in the room and that was 30 years ago. The fact with infant mortality is there are women that make wrong choices, in their own health care, drug and alcohol use that affects our infant mortality numbers, though 6.3 deaths out of 1000 is better than I would think we should have considering what some mothers choose to do to themselves and their babies while gestatiing. I think it will be worse under Obamacare unless they choose to lock up all negligent mothers and remove their children. Under the Canadian system you have higher rates of death with heart disease and cancer, so take your pick, move to Canada if you think their system is grand. I like the US system as it is.

  7. over 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    Nick used to be cute, even Adam looked better than he does now. This used to be one of my favorites but I’m kind of sad about the downhill slide of the artwork… guess it’s time to move on. Sorry to complain but am a bit disappointed in the strip nowdays.

  8. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Canadian and European healthcare is very subpar compared to the US, they run over here when they need something that their system cannot offer. My daughter had to have an appendectomy done last year in Austria, (2nd highest living standards in Europe) she was put in a ward room with 4 other women, no bathroom, just a portable potty in the middle of the room. They would not tell her what pain meds they put her on, she was in terrible pain. They told her it would be listed on her check out papers. Nurses laughed at her about complaining about the pain, to them it was just a little cut. This is what their wonderful system is like. Oh and don’t think it’s free. You pay 40 percent of your salary for their wonderful system and if you are self employed you pay for your own private insurance, and it is expensive, by law you are required to maintain coverage. Is this what the American people want? I certainly don’t!!!

  9. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I thought Elly was silly getting annoyed at what he was going to wear to fix the fence but regarding some peoples comments about being insulted if your spouse wanted to help you look your best, pleeeze! If you can’t trust your beloved to want what is best for you than you should just be single, like Ted, go live with mommy.

  10. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Anthony2816, As I understand the requirement of “natural born citizen” you must be born on property held by the USA. If you are born in a Military hospital in a foreign country or a territory under US government you are considered a natural born citizen. If you are born in a foreign country by a US mother you are not considered a naturral born citizen. I do not think someone with dual citizenship should be our president either. So I’m concerned with reports that Obama is reported to be a dual citizen of Indonesia. Why doesn’t Obama have the long form of his certificate made public? If I could stop so much controversy by doing such a simple thing I certainly would do it, anyone would. I have a hard time believing that a hard core democrat state would not try to do a cover up for “their guy” Believe me, I am not a “conspiracy junkie” but I have read a lot about our history and there have been many in our history. As far as more laws to regulate our markets, why do you blame the downturn to less laws, that is a presumption made by those who want more regulation. Anyway we have tripled our personal portfolio in the last 3 months so not all is bad with the market, but it wasn’t produced by additional regulation. http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jun/16/business/fi-financial-regs16 I do believe Obama will go down as one of the most ineffective presidents in our history along side of Carter, no matter where he was born.