Of course, have to be able to watch Lions (CFL) games during the summer and Canucks games during the winter. Can’t watch the Grizzlies since they moved to Memphis…
Worms is nice. My wife and I passed through way back on our honeymoon. The Cathedral is lovely, and we picked up some fresh bread and cheese that was lunch for the next couple of days.
That’s a few weeks. Historically, the economy does much better under Democrats, and that’s a trend that has stayed steady for the last 100 years. Remember the biggest market crashes have come under Hoover, Reagan, and Bush The Younger. All Republicans.
Restaurant I used to frequent at one point had three Ashleys working as servers, though rarely were all three on at once. In discussion with my wife, I referred to them (in order by when we first saw them start working there) as Ashley Primus, Secundus, and Tertius.
I just checked in to see what condition my condition was in…