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  1. about 15 years ago on Annie

    I think she got married.

  2. about 15 years ago on Annie

    I think there is a “Valintin the Roamer” device at the center of the bunker. The toxin is just a booby trap to protect something valuable. A time machine could make the Blue Circle very rich. A doomsday device can be found in any underground silo. What would be so valuable about a toxin? A lot of work went into hiding something for more than one generation.

  3. about 15 years ago on Annie

    GPS that can tell elevation? Wow, they have nice toys.

  4. about 15 years ago on Annie

    That looks like a bomb blanket he’s under.

  5. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Highway or the mall, sexy stunt driver will come into play. Maybe Blues Brothers Style?

  6. about 15 years ago on Annie

    I think sexy stunt driver is about to meet loader.