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  1. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Pink, from what I see, it is an airborne pathogen. The organism reproduces rapidly, which also makes it mutate faster. If it kills its host, the more virrulent strains won’t propagate. The weaker strains on the survivors will continue to propagate and mutate.

    BTW, they are going to investigate the pilot … watch for another exploding head.

  2. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Reminds me of the Andromeda Strain.

  3. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Gee, I can’t believe it’s butter!

  4. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Ah Ha! It should be obvious that someone left the lid open to the lost Ark!

  5. about 15 years ago on Annie

    Yeah, 3rd degree burns will kinda melt the fat a bit. Looks like Mr AM-Wuz-Willbe is gonna have to put Custard and Puff somewhere else … or is it a Leaping Lizard?

  6. about 15 years ago on Annie

    I agree with JP. Heat was the most likely cause. However, perhaps it is one of the missing fire-breathing dragons: “Custard” (1959) and/or “Puff” (1962). As their stories go, I recall they disappeared a while back. It would have been more suspenseful if the Annie artists had included: “Holy crap! What is that!?” then follow with “Oh No! No! NOOOO! Mayday, Mayday ….”

  7. over 15 years ago on Annie

    Sigh … are they ever going to open that stupid desert bunker?

    I guess they will go back to the goose miniplot next … or is it the FBI agent … or Tom Thumb with his floating tin cans …. or is it with Warbucks still looking at the moon.

    Let me guess … eventually in 2012 this comic strip will finally open the desert bunker, and inside they will find a mumified senator having a mumified goose dinner with a mumified ET.

  8. over 15 years ago on Annie

    Sigh…..! Are we ever going to get to see what’s underground? When are they going to stop milking these miniplots!

    See you in a month … maybe by then they will have opened something, before they go back to milking again.

    Who knows, maybe we shall see an alien goose?

  9. over 15 years ago on Annie

    Sigh! I wish they would get this story moving. Almost as bad as Alley Oop.

    What’s underground, Warbucks???? Enough with the merry-go-round of miniplots… get going!

  10. over 15 years ago on Annie

    Haven’t read Rare Earth, but even at the complex celluar level, given the likely existence of numerous stars with planets of the right mass in the right location, it is also both probable and likely that “uncommon” life exists elsewhere. The fact that it exists here is awesome.