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Recent Comments

  1. 3 months ago on The Duplex

    To be fair, the second panel is zoomed in – the rearview is now out of view, as is Fang’s snout. Cheers!

  2. almost 2 years ago on The Duplex

    Smell my stream! A new definition for “live streaming”.

  3. almost 2 years ago on The Duplex

    … and the couch has been replaced with a new one-seater chair

  4. almost 2 years ago on The Duplex

    gokar – I re-read your post several times because it almost read like it was going to be a limerick or something. It wasn’t, so I had to write my own:

    There once was a man so good-heartedHe brought home a gift; he Wal-MartedA squeaker, you seeThe dog chewed it freeNow the man always knew when he pharted

  5. about 3 years ago on The Duplex

    Finally – a soup-related comic! Where is our gazpacho guy?

  6. about 4 years ago on The Duplex

    The Happy Meal character on the table (appears to be Talking Stewie) disappears in 2nd window and then comes back for the punchline. (Yes, I know it’s a salt shaker.)

  7. almost 6 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Ask Suzie to play! I’m sure she could pound Calvin into the ground just as well as Hobbes!

  8. over 10 years ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    What’s Louis doing in there? Was this a school play perhaps?

  9. over 10 years ago on The Duplex

    What a cool mower! It always ejects away from us, regardless of whether Eno is coming or going. And no, it’s not one of those flip-handle ones. It’s a great safety feature; we don’t have to wear safety goggles.

  10. over 13 years ago on The Duplex

    Comicgos said: Looks like the Christmas tree will suffer the same fate as the house plant in the background!

    That WAS last year’s Christmas tree.