
elipsett Free

I have run I translation and publishing company in Fukuoka, Japan for about 30 years now. Grew up in Bethesda, Maryland, but most of that's worn off by now.

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    LoneWerewolf has it right… keep the comments offlist, keep the laughter here. If I come here to find arguments and no smiles, what exactly if the point of coming here? If even a werewolf believes laughter is a better way to start the day than snarls, surely you can, too?

  2. almost 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    Someone (the Sierra Club, I think, but could well be wrong) said volunteers don’t FIND the time to help, they MAKE the time to help. When I help someone or volunteer, I often don’t even register or bother telling them where to find me… I don’t do it to be thanked, or to get a little drop-shaped “1 gallon” pin for my lapel. I do it for ME, because helping other people makes ME feel good. And I assume it makes others feel good, too, which is even better. You (non-specific “you”) have no obligation to volunteer for anything, or help anyone, and even if you don’t you should be able to receive the same anonymous assistance as anyone else when you are in need. I don’t say you are a worse person for not wanting to assist others, but I have a different attitude. Long live diversity.

  3. about 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    I’d be happy as a clam to be going back to school to study instead of having to work to pay for two sons to do the same thing. Are clams really happy? How would you know?

  4. about 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    Anyone else noticed that the mood of the strip has changed significantly with the new artist? It’s a lot more focused on family interaction than work-related issues… not better or worse than it was, but quite a bit different. And quite a bit warmer.

    PS: First post. Be gentle.