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  1. over 15 years ago on MythTickle

    Diesm was extremely popular during the Age of Enlightenment. With this in mind, the idea that humankind has been gifted with the ability to expand their own understanding of the world around them and control their own destiny is hugely important in both scientific and religous advances. Still I find it highly foolish for any human who believes there is an all powerful God who only limits his power into human terms like days. While it is easy to think of God creating the world in one day and the remainder of the earthly elements in the following days, does God really work in limited time? Time was not created before God, so is it possible that the time limitations were only imposed on humanity to establish the magnitude of God’s power? If we are to assume the both the Bible and scientific discoveries are correct while claiming there is a God, it would be impossible to assume the dates within the Bible and the natural world would agree… This leaves only one conclusion, neither one is incorrect, but the ability of humanity to understand and record history before humanit existed is potentially failable. Isn’t it also heretical to assume humanity can fully understand the complexity and power of God? The problem then is how literal do we want to interpret a human constructed document that has been modified over thousands of years depending on translations, religous bias, and political developments. I would side on the diest approach, something larger than us had a role in aiding and nurturing our inital development, but it is up to us now to use the inate power within to try to understand our world and use that knowlege to improve our society.

  2. over 15 years ago on Adam@Home

    Traveling across the USA we happened upon miles and miles of stock yards in NE, and all the cows were huddled around the sign “BEEF, Whats for Dinner”