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  1. 7 months ago on Pluggers

    Gee, this looks very similar to the Pluggers of 7/12/16. “You can be sure you’re a Plugger when you have a different doctor for each part of your body.”

  2. over 3 years ago on Pluggers

    sergioandrade is right about the cellphone, but there’s more.

    Just look at Andy, he’s got a hat on. Can’t forget the hat to keep the sun out of your eyes, or (for the follicley challenged) to keep the sun off the scalp.

    Lastly, if not in CA or NY, check for pocket knife and gun.

  3. over 5 years ago on Pluggers

    This is absolutely NOT the situation a true Plugger would be in. With all the effort a Plugger puts in to keep on plugging, there is no way he would end up like this.

    His wife on the other hand…..