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chrisheff Free

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  1. almost 15 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    It’s all well and good to talk about open borders, but the US as a sovereign entity is still infinitely valuable in the struggle for Human Rights.

    I believe in the peaceful and post-racist post-sexist post-everything “Star Trek future” just as much as most leftist Democrats… But with the violent regimes still in place in much of the world, it is just too EARLY for the US to try and go “next phase” by becoming a post-national system.

    When ALL of the world goes for Nationalist government instead of tribal or religious, THEN the US can talk about open borders. Phase 2 (human rights/democracy) is so WAYYYY not finished yet.

    Get China to allow spoken dissent and THEN I’ll scold Arizona for trying to exist as an organized territorial entity.