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If laws against guns will not stop gun slaughter, why does GOP think that laws against abortion will stop that slaughter?
Yes, he should have vetoed the chit sammich and let the country go bankrupt!
Free education produces illiterate cartoonists.
Eight legislative days between now and the fiscal catastrophe on 12/31, and what have the GOPers decided to do?
Ramirez is one of the people who firebombed US credit rating.
“Firing Line,” a TV show graced by Brandenburg No 3 theme song and disgraced by William Buckley bombast.
Obama makes GOOD public policy out of the BAD political slogans of both parties.
Unusual…Parker and Hart are ordinarily right wing.
It REMAINS to be seen what Obama will get. Judging from the past, the President will get what he wants and what our country needs…
May all of Obama’s enemies set fire to their tender parts, like Umar Farouk.
If laws against guns will not stop gun slaughter, why does GOP think that laws against abortion will stop that slaughter?