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  1. about 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I echo James’ comment above; Wiley needs to don a safety pin and go to his safe space to play with his playdough and hug his blanket.

    Get over it, Leftists everywhere. You had your eight years to ruin America, or as you put it: “fundamentally transform” America. Now it’s our turn.

  2. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Agree with you, Hardthought, but it’s “hoplophobic” and not “hop lyophobic”.

    For those of you reading this and wondering what a hoplophobe is, it’s simply “fear of weapons” in Greek.

    In other words, a Leftist, irrational weenie like Wiley Miller, Barak Obama, Bill Maher, et al.

  3. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur


    Your Leftist politics are increasingly bleeding through in your comics. “And anyone carrying a gun”; does this include thousands of cops at any given moment? Rosie O’Donnell and Hillary Clinton’s bodyguards??

    Millions of safe and legal CCWs around the country, myself included?

    Thousands of hunters who not only keep animal populations from exploding but contribute MILLIONS of dollars to Federal conservation efforts around the country???

    I love your comics and sense of humor, Wiley; your Leftist politics not so much…

  4. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur


    All of us on the Right have ALWAYS recognized that Trump is a severely flawed candidate who says some pretty stupid and outlandish things.

    HOWEVER, he is not a “racist”, whatever that is now defined as these days by the Left.

    You and the creator of Lio have joined the ranks of cartoonists on the Left, aka the “Doonesbury Brigade” who spew Leftist hate and ignorance.

    PS: Sorry if I just hit you with a “microaggression” by calling you a Leftist.

  5. over 9 years ago on Lio

    Any day of the week!

  6. over 9 years ago on Lio

    Very funny strip today, but it’s a shame that the artist is showing his Leftist sympathies.

    For the record, it’s typically DEMOCRATS who get us into wars. Not always, but typically. Vietnam, anyone???