I have face blindness. I am unable to recognize faces, which was a real problem at my parents’ small-town business. One time at the mall a very attractive young woman said “Hi, Dad” to me. Fortunately there are only there are only two people on the planet who would greet me that way and one is blonde while the other was brunette. Made it pretty easy to tell which one she was.
I just got a cell phone three years ago when I moved to a new place and, for reasons that are beyond me, the phone company was unable to transfer my phone service to the new address. I still treat it like a phone. It rarely leaves my apartment and is used mostly to text my family. On rare occasions I actually talk on it. The phone is for my convenience, not the world’s. I see no reason to be constantly available. Did I mention that I am old?
My wife used to tell the flowers that when they would come up during a warm spell. “It’s too early! Go back to sleep!” She never met an exclamation mark she didn’t like.
I’ve seen it spelled both ways. If they spelled it “sabor” it would be the ape word for lioness. Then Tarzan could have picked it up by the tail and swung it at the Arab/pirates/raiders. He could have satisfied both his need to smash the bad guys AND terrorize lions.
No, before last week’s …“alternate storyline”? Harrigan was shown in several panels dancing with scantily-clad girls who should have been queens of lost cities.
Johnny Wesimuller’s jungle cry. Or else the next line would be “Ting tang walla walla bing bang.”