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  1. almost 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Henry – but again, the issue is that the strip is not understandable. One of the MANY definitions of great art is anything that evokes great emotions. But if one can’t understand it, it does not evoke any emotion. I am not in any way suggesting that you do not address the topics that you are attempting to address. I am only suggesting that you make it understandable.

  2. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Henry – This is for you. I give up. Your Gil Thorp comic strip is no longer understandable. I have tried since you took over — to no avail. You should only have 1-2 story lines going at once. I have no problem with the nature of the story lines — it is fine to make the strip more socially relevant. But when one can’t easily follow the stories, doesn’t remember who the characters without going back in time, etc., etc., etc., then it just doesn’t make sense to keep reading. This is sad for me because I have read the comic strip faithfully since. the mid 1960’s. Please understand that the strip is not a novel – where someone can sit down over a relatively short period of time and digest the many subplots. I hope that you make some changes in your approach, because right now, to be frank, it has become incomprehensible.

    What is even more sad about your approach is that you are failing in your apparent mission. My guess is that you are attempting to bring certain issues to the forefront so as to help people broaden their minds – a worth mission. Instead, the difficulties in understanding the strip either frustrates or turns off those that you are trying to reach. I fully expect that you have an audience that applauds you in what you are doing and your approach, but reaching only the like-minded does not accomplish your mission.

    Good luck.