
arsanlupin Free

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  1. 7 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Trump followers are using anvils instead – if not napalm …

  2. 4 months ago on Clay Bennett

    @FJB Almost certainly because you yourself are so breathtakingly full of equine excretia that you wouldn’t tell the difference between a documented. peer-reviewed, verified, cross-checked, confirmed FACT – and the catastrophic containment failure of your community’s sewerage treatment system.

    Hot flash Bubba: everything you ever said, everything you ever did, everything you ever imagined, all you ever were, are, or will be, is from that same containment failure. In summary: THIS is you: a clown in an excreta sandwich.On your BEST day!

    Bon Appetit, Excreta for brains!

  3. 4 months ago on Clay Bennett

    “Clinton, Trump, and Biden can all be labelled as “draft dodgers.” "

    No, they cannot. Biden’s was a simple college student deferment, legitimately applied for and issued to millions of American men – including ME. Clinton was accused of inappropriate decisions but no outright deception. Trump deliberately lied, which is a crime.

    If you can’t keep your facts straight, perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut.

  4. 5 months ago on Bloom County

    Your idea of “seem” is similar to normal people’s idea of “Wow dude, that’s some FIIIIINE weed you’re smoking there!”

  5. 5 months ago on Clay Bennett

    It’s a documented and proven FACT that the vast majority of the child molesters are either evangelical christian clerics, or conservative republican politicians. The only groomer here is YOU.

  6. 6 months ago on Clay Bennett

    @aristoclesplato9 Someone has a very unhealthy fetish with “adult” fantasy stories about underage girls. You really need to get that looked at – before someone teaches you the hard way the life expectancy of someone labeled “small eyes”.

  7. 7 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Thank you for proving that your total sum knowledge of everything outside the closed system that is your mouth and your cloaca can be carved onto the head of a straight pin with a dull axe. Everything you have posted here is complete and total nonsense; either propaganda fed you by the Sluzhba vneshney razvedki Rossiyskoy Federatsii, or projections from your own people.

    The only way anyone will ever take you seriously is after you drop the extremist felgercarb, lose the loony-tunes fibbing, ’fess up to all of it you did in the past, and start talking some common sense.

    As it is, the only group you’re really supporting is Vladimir Vladimirovich and his band of merry thugs, because everything you said shows a pitiful excuse for an American.

  8. 7 months ago on Clay Bennett

    “The Conscience Of A Conservative”? THE shortest book in history, I am sure – all the pages are blank.

    Well-established fact: conservatives have NO conscience – none whatsoever.

  9. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    I honestly don’t give a rodent’s rear what YOU think of it as; medically it was just a zygote – a lump of tissue. I also don’t give a rodent’s rear what you feel is or is not “moral”; your opinion of it is even more irrelevant than your “opinion” on what a zygote" is. You are a textbook example of a person full of “viewpoints” and “opinions” that are based on complete garbage, delusions of adequacy, and arrant nonsense. And any “opinion” that isn’t based 100% upon documented, peer-reviewed, verified, cross-checked, confirmed FACTS is about as worthless as a wet fart – and smells twice as bad.

    Thank you so VERY much for so thoroughly polluting the air around here with your wet fart “opinions”; now please crawl back into the septic tank you came from.

  10. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    “My issue is morality.” No Bubba – you have no right to declare morality, when everything you have posted shows you have NO morality. AT. ALL.Do yourself a favor, before you dig yourself so deep into the septic tank of what you call your “morality”, and face it: everyone knows you’re a flaming hemorrhoid. Period. Dwell on that, understand at a spiritual level what that means to you, and realize why every word you continue to post is only making you look worse and worse.

    So do the world a favor: STFD & STFU. Before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already have.