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stevhemker Free

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  1. over 12 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Believe what you wish about God — please, though, don’t make it mandatory for the rest of us to follow your beliefs. Imagine a country where a religion other than yours was “the law of the land” despite a Consitutional amendment clearly stating that government would have no official religion. If one religion allows gay marriage (which several do), why are they not free to celebrate that?

  2. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    So who’s who in the pool? From left to right: Romney in the tie? Bachman’s easy. Gingrich being pulled under? Perry is easy. Halo – Santorum? Pizza is obvious, Herman Cain … not sure who goes with the back of the head in the foreground, or the hand above the letter “P” …

  3. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Skulker, it’s easy enough for spammers (or any of us) to change an IP address. I was on the anti-Spam side of this fight in a chat community a few years back; block an address, they get a new one, and the address remains blocked – so eventually someone who hasn’t done anything wrong ends up getting a blocked address by “luck of the draw” and you have an angry customer on your hands. I am surprised, though, to see the spam isn’t removed after “about 5 hours”.