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over 15 years ago
on Garfield Minus Garfield
Yes, if Jon got a wife, she could definately tell him what to do……and tell him, and tell him, and tell him, and tell him, and tell him, and tell him, and tell him, and tell him…….
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
Reminds me of a joke I once heard. Fellow agreed to meet his blind date at the carnival…..He kept trying to get her interested in different things, but she just kept saying, “I WANT TO GET WEIGHED!” so he kept taking her back to the booth where the old man was supposed to try to guess your weight. (of course, he knew her weight after the first visit) He finally decided she was mental, claimed he had a stomach ache and went home early. When she got home, her roommate asked how the date had gone. “OH WINDA,” she said, “IT WAS WOUSY!!”
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
Reminds me of a joke…..there was a fellow who went on a blind date. He was supposed to meet her at a carnival. He asked her, “What would you like to do first?” She replied, “I want to get weighed!” So he took her to the booth where the old gentleman would try to guess your weight, age, or other information about you, and if he couldn’t guess it, you win a prize. Well, he was off by 5 pounds and she got a prize. They walked away and he asked her if she wanted to ride some rides, or get something to eat. She said, “I want to get weighed!” Back they went and this time, of course, the old man remembered her weight, and she got nothing. They walked around for a while, and he asked her what she wanted to do. Once again, she said, “I want to get weighed!” He decided there must be something wrong with her, so he claimed he had a stomach ache and left early. When she got home, her roomate asked how her date had gone….”OH WINDA,” she said, “IT WAS WOUSY!!”
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
one more try! someone once wrote a book called the Gospel According to Peanuts. I wonder if the Pastor you knew could have written it?
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
Someone once wrote a book called “The Gospel According to Peanuts” I have been meaning to find a copy of it for years but never got around to it….(shame on me) I wonder if the Pastor you knew could have written it?
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
doctortoon said, about 3 hours ago
The best sermons I ever heard were by a Pastor who loved Peanuts. He would describe a Peanuts comic, then build a sermon around it. Probably one of the many factors that lead to my love of comics.
Someone wrote a book called “The Gospel According to Peanuts” I’ve been meaning to try to find a copy for years but never got around to it….(shame on me!) I wonder if the Pastor you knew could have written it? -
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
Regarding HectorPriam’s comments….God wants us to obey Him because we love Him. When a man like Upton repents, the Angels rejoice in Heaven. Making a person “be good” like a mindless robot would be worth nothing. Sometimes God allowed things to happen to us to get our attention, though.
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
Actually, Pastor Present is the Parson, but another minister named Warren Peacegood was on his way to fill in for him while he was on vacation. So what happened to him?
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
I think Upton will come to the end of his sermon, confess the wrong he has done and ask for prayer, just in time for Pastor Present AND the real Reverend Peacegood to BOTH show up!!
over 15 years ago
on Gasoline Alley
I think Upton will preach a fine message, come to know Jesus as his Savior, and the real Reverend Peacegood will walk in while Upton is confessing the wrong he has done!