Harold is the H in Jesus H. Christ.
My point to a large extent.
But they don’t call in sick, take breaks, use the restroom, require social security tax, require health insurance or collect a regular salary.
Kind of my point. This is another “go to.”
At least it’s not another empanada strip.
My last resolution was Jan 1, 1970. Not to make any more resolutions. The only one I ever kept.
I’m beginning to get a better understanding of Jan’s dating problems.
According to capitalist demi-god Milton Friedman the primary, if not only, purpose of a corporation is to increase shareholder value. That’s what this CEO was doing. Here’s one result.
Look at the food cans on your, or the store’s shelves. All those 14, 14.7 and 15 oz. cans were 16 oz in the 50s and 60s. Shrinkflation is not new.
A d it was a Peachy one.
Harold is the H in Jesus H. Christ.