Cartoon me

davidbdr Free

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  1. over 13 years ago on The Duplex

    Live the dude holding up the lighter! Nice touch.

  2. almost 15 years ago on The City

    No one howls louder about a cartoon they don’t like than a Right Winger.

    “Ash said, 3 days ago So obviously there are no Black middle class suburban men who take care of their lawns and who also happen to be republican.”

    I’m sure there are people like that somewhere but this strip is using a particular character. You see, it works like that. One character can’t represent every type at once. I know that’s a difficult concept for the humorless.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    I’m not sure where all this criticism of Obama and a teleprompter came from. Bush used one. I believe the Right can’t handle someone who speaks as well as Obama can and not believe it is somehow phony. Look at the speakers they are used to. Bush, even with a teleprompter, couldn’t help but fumble his way through a speech.

    “…she speaks freely, extemporaneously, off the cuff, for a LONG time–speaking from the heart as opposed to playing carefully crafted mind-manipulation games on the moronic masses like Osama does.”

    Oh really? Is that what Palin is doing? I am not interested in her “speaking from the heart”. To me, that is a sign of irrationality in leadership. Is calling for an attack on Iran an example of “speaking from the heart”? There’s a real bright idea!

    I want a President who has a brain and can use it. Is anyone actually listening to what she is (not)saying? Everyday, this country seems to become more dumb and proud of it!

  4. over 15 years ago on Lio

    The Yeti’s look of surprise is hilarious!