
MemoFromDaddyWarbucks Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 14 years ago on Frog Applause

    i blame it on china.

    too much lead in the red paint when the chinamen painted the red line on the glass thermometers.

  2. almost 14 years ago on Peanuts


  3. almost 14 years ago on Peanuts

    hey, charlie. you want to borrow lois lane’s lead rain coat to protect yourself from x rays.

    yes, it is true. superman was a peeping tom. OMG.

  4. almost 14 years ago on Peanuts

    look at the difference in panels. comic are shrinking so fast. used to be four panels. now its three.

    by 2020 all the comics will be one panel

  5. about 14 years ago on NEUROTICA

    obamarama, gets my vote

  6. about 14 years ago on Legend of Bill

    ouch! that must hurt

  7. about 14 years ago on Frog Applause

    ye all who so believe in telekinetics, ……… raise my hand

  8. about 14 years ago on Legend of Bill

    Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand

  9. about 14 years ago on Legend of Bill

    Gloriosky! The savage and great bloodbath ensues, wherein bill kills many grotesquely ugly orcs in a slaugterhouse of ruthless bloodbath. It is the day the orcs faced death, and drank of bill’s cold bloody steel. Resistance is futile

  10. about 14 years ago on TOBY

    this strip needs something to push against. TOBY dont do nothing. yet TOBY is perhaps the greatest of all comic stirp creations. needs cast members or a job for toby.

    or as syke34 said, a female robot.