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- over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
I got it!
They are going to create a story that is similar to those good old “let’s find out who is the murderer” comics.
First they present every character and then everyone is going to tell their defense. Finally, in the final panel the DT is going to say “This is not a problem at all. I think it is quite easy to see who is the guilty person.”
The right answer is written below the comic strip, but of course the text is upside down. You can now browse through all these previous strips and try to figure out the right answer.
Exciting, isn’t it.
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
It happened again! These shadows are not random. The ringmaster cheek shadow in panel 2 resembles a man. Yesterday the cheek shadow in panel 1 resembled a man face.
May be we have seen some sort of Venom incarnation! He is still in liquid-like form, but that may change soon, when he take possession of the ringmaster!
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
I’m quite excited, because I think that the moment of truth gets closer.
Probably everything is going to happend in this little circus tent.
Quite soon the killer is going to show itself and probably he won’t dwell on the stage too long (compare to Lt. Teevo). So let’s hope that DT is quick enough to spot that guy.
An other scenario: The eskimo wearing a parka (presented a week ago August 3) is still there, so watch out DT! The cheek shadow on panel 1 suggests that somebody is watching our hero!
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
QUOTE: “Brenda Starr’s artwork is first rate. Pity they cannot take over the Tracy strip.”
The current Brenda Starr team is just repeating couple of view angels and copy pasting same panels with different texts. That kind of artwork is bulletproof but dull and dead.
A DT observation: What is happening with the circus tent? What is that yellow stuff in panel 5? Are they going to create some kind of grain silo?
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
Panel 2: Intresting flashback.
I don’t remember exactly what was on the circus stage, but I suspect that there wasn’t a igloo. No there seems to be some kind of cottage and someone is standing on the roof!
Hatching dosen’t work here at all.
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
I’m starting to think that the strip creators are really trying to maintain feeling that circus is still going on.
According comic creators “handbook” any successful comic has to be lively. You can only maintain vivid atmosphere by drawing dynamic scenes.
If your comic is stuck and nothing is really happening anywhere (Besides two heads talking to each other) you can always try to create some vivid background happenings.
I think that this what is happening in panel 3.
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
Decent artwork today. It’s enough for me, I’m happy.
Also some progress. Now some police arrived. One step every day.
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
You can start reading today and you are right in. Anyone who has read all the previous strips don’t have any advantage! Isn’t that a marvelous fairness and justice? Where else in our society you can see everyone starting from the very same starting post every day?
over 15 years ago
on Dick Tracy
Panel 3: The panel contains every possible mistake that you should avoid when drawing comics. This cannot be an accident.
I suspect that they are using this strip at the moment for creative testing.
“Forget every drawing cliché you normally use. Free your mind and do it without self-criticism. Don’t wipe off or erase anything. Do it differently tomorrow.”
In other wors: they are learning drawing.
It’s getting more and more intresting. Characters are also getting closer and closer.
These extreme close-ups can be the solution. I think that they have found they own award winning drawing style!
Show some parts of the characters faces and let readers imagine the rest.
Basically you can do the same with just showing one organ from human body. That would be the optimum solution.