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  1. about 2 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    As they say, you can’t kill an idea. When we invaded Iraq, Donald Rumsfeld had a moment of candor and said the measure of success was whether we were killing the terrorists faster than we were creating them.

    Frankly, this has been Hamas’ trap play for their entire existence – attack Israel and then have Israel kill 10x to 20x the number of people in response so that it makes Israel look bad. Netanyahu undermined the PLA and boosted Hamas because the dynamic suits them both politically.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I moved to Anchorage in 1982. The bus going downtown crossed over this ravine called Earthquake Park, a scar from the 1964 earthquake that destroyed a lot of the city. They were starting to develop the real estate in the ravine back then.

  3. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    Gingrich, Ailes, Limbaugh, and Rove intentionally set out to burn down all of our institutions and create division in the late 1980s. They started hunting sane and reasonable people out of the gop. By 2005 sane and sensible republicans were already on the endangered species lists. Now there aren’t enough breeding pairs left to sustain a species.

    trump is just the IT clown face on the agenda. Gingrich’s failing was that he thought he’d always be the one driving the bus

  4. 3 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    The top caption says Stephen, so I was thinking Miller

  5. 3 days ago on Matt Davies

    In the first SotU after CU came down, Obama said it opened the floodgates for dark foreign money to corrupt our elections.

    Alito could be seen in the front row mouthing “That’s not true.”

    Of course, it proved true in about 5 minutes. Alito tried to backtrack, saying he expected congress to pass campaign finance transparency laws.

    So his excuse is, basically, he’d never met a republican

  6. 4 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    For decades Netanyahu and Hamas have been each other’s foils quite intentionally. Bibi neutered the PLA and built up Hamas because this is the kind of relationship he wants with the Palestinians.

  7. 4 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    Revelations only has 144,000 golden tickets promised. In a global population of over 8 billion, that many people go missing every day. The rapture could already have happened and no one noticed.

  8. 4 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    To add a little more color, this is after we discover that the Soviets have come up with a doomsday technology where any a-bomb dropped will set off a chain reaction and poison the whole atmosphere of the planet.

    “What good is a doomsday device if you don’t tell anyone about it?”

    “We were planning to announce it at the next peace summit…”

  9. 4 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    All of them… I saw a headline last night about trump’s day on capitol hill. It said “trump rants about Taylor Swift and floats (big) idea to replace all income taxes with tariffs (on China)”

    God, how could we even consider this 3rd-grade dropout.

  10. 5 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Israel only exists because of American support over the decades.

    It became problematic in the early 1970s when our other “ally”, Saudi Arabia, started mucking with oil prices. The region took on a whole lot more influence. Other surrounding Arab countries found it in their interest to divert dissatisfaction at home at Israel, so the US found itself as “man in the middle”