Mana orb tut blue

Evol Free

Recent Comments

  1. 9 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I miss the comments, as well. I sometimes needed them to explain the cartoon.:^)

  2. 14 days ago on Doonesbury

    I saw one picture where it looked like he lost a bit of skin. I couldn’t tell if it was real or AI. But seriously, I’ve done worse damage to myself with a fingernail.

  3. 14 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Not everybody likes raw meat.

  4. 15 days ago on Peanuts

    I have nothing against the bible. It’s the people who try to shove THEIR religion down my throat that I have a problem with.

  5. 15 days ago on Peanuts

    They should be, anyway.

  6. 17 days ago on Close to Home

    First time I heard it. I had a hearty chortle.

  7. 20 days ago on Buckles

    Your dog drops his ball on my head to wake you up?

  8. 24 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    My brother and I got chicken pox after playing in the chicken feed, so “logically” I thought that’s what caused it. Ah, to be a child again. :^)

  9. 25 days ago on Mother Goose and Grimm

    ’Cept when a man takes off his “high heels”. :^)

  10. 26 days ago on Red and Rover

    I liked being able to open or close the window while sitting there waiting for the person with the key to come back.