Like Hank Hill, a Methodist.
Enough of this travesty. Taking Mrs. Bear to a real BB game. Have a super day Snark Nation.
Donkey ball! Donkey ball! Pooper scoopers!
A toothless humble bumble. Wonder if she can bounce?
I am. Therefore, I jam!
I was a Spartan in HS. I am not Spartacus. Don’t have the chin. Maybe chins.
What som mo? Want som mo? Got a lot mo!
P4- Rumore: Bold words from the reigning state champ. Back to you Jim.
Didn’t Dotty and Keri wrestle last year? For the school you heathens!
You accusing her of being a pirate? Where’s her beard?
Like one of those old timey spinning tops we navigated through a wooden maze by moving the floor up and down. What the heck was that fun game?
Enough of this travesty. Taking Mrs. Bear to a real BB game. Have a super day Snark Nation.